Fancy Unicorn Fuzzy Bear Insurrection!

Feds Attacked Peaceful Protesters

Dear FUFBI fans:

A crowd has assembled to petition the government for the redress of grievances. The government attacks the crowd. Is there a more blatant disregard for the first amendment? Robert Glover ordered the attack. Jimmy Chrisman carried out the attack. They should be indicted, tried, convicted, sentenced and spend years of their life in prison.

Checkout this story with thanks to Gateway Pundit :

Metro DC Police Officer Identified who Fired Stinger Ball Munitions into Crowd of Trump Supporters on Jan. 6 Without Warning – Igniting a Riot (VIDEO)

A big FU (Fancy Unicorn) to you Tyrants Jimmy Chrisman and Robert Glover!


Wright E. Thaitea
