Fancy Unicorn Fuzzy Bear Insurrection!


Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean if I can no longer access this website?

It means one of the following things is true:

  1. We live in a police state where criticizing the government is no longer allowed.
  2. Our cat has been playing with the internet cables again.

Why should we get rid of the FBI?

A federal police force is way more dangerous than any problem they claim to be solving.

What should be done about the FBI?

Fifty copies of the FBI database should be made. One copy each should be sent to each of the state attorney generals. Then the FBI should be fully defunded and all the employees fired.

I work for the FBI. So what should I do then?

Update your resume but leave out the part about having been an FBI agent or employee. Claim you were doing something less disreputable, like serving time in prison.

How do I join your website and become an official user?

  1. Choose a really cool username.
  2. Go to your local animal shelter and pick out a dog or cat.
  3. Name the dog or cat with the username.
  4. Depending on the breed, your dog might require a password but cats aren't that smart.

What is the name of your cat?

We don't own a cat.