Fancy Unicorn Fuzzy Bear Insurrection!

Mainstream Media Madness

Dear FUFBI fans:

Back in the day, when I was just a young unicorn filly, I would listen to Radio Moscow on short-wave radio. It was hilarious. It was hilarious because of the ridiculous claims they made about how wonderful life was in the Soviet Union and how terrible life was in the USA. But the people who created the content for those broadcasts had no idea how silly they were being. They didn't know how silly they were being because they had no idea about life in the USA. So they would put out a story about the elderly in the USA being so poor they had to eat pet food. This contrasted with the fine meals I ate when we visited Grandma. Meanwhile, in the Soviet Union, people were amazed that Americans lived a life of such luxury that they had special food just for dogs or cats. That is how mainstream media acts now and for the same reasons. They believe their own baloney.

Mainstream media tells us these ridiculous things:

  • Castrating young boys is a good idea if, like 99% of boys growing up, they have some misunderstandings about their own sexuality. (My brother didn't want to be a unicorn, he wanted to be a dinosaur. Should Mom and Dad have cut off his horn, so he could be a T-Rex?)
  • White people are racist, even though real racists are so hard to find you have to take a special classes just to figure out how to find them. (Hint: using the "okay" hand sign or getting good grades is racist.)
  • Bidenomics is great, even though it totally sucks.
  • Voter id laws are racist because, for reasons not to be said out loud, folks with darker skin supposedly have a harder time standing still long enough for the nice lady at DMV to say "Okay, now stand over there and smile." Maybe the camera is racist, too.
  • Global warming, which lengthens the growing season, is scarier than giant windmills that whack eagles out of the sky.


Lef T. Lucee
