Fancy Unicorn Fuzzy Bear Insurrection!

What is Complicated about "Shall not be infringed"?

Dear FUFBI fans:

Tyrant Grisham says "The constitutionality questions are beginning to be very complicated in the arena of gun violence..."

What is so frigging complicated? The second amendments says "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed." It does not say "except when you are in a park". It does not say "but if someone sells you arms, the government can sue them endlessly". It says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Checkout this story with thanks to Breitbart :

New Mexico Gov. Grisham Pushes Lawsuits Against Gun Makers, 2-Week Waiting Period for Firearm Purchases

A big FU (Fancy Unicorn) to you Tyrant Michelle Lujan Grisham!


Lef T. Lucee
