Fancy Unicorn Fuzzy Bear Insurrection!

#fda Articles

Tyrants "Protect" You from Freedom

Dear FUFBI fans: Tyrants take your freedom on the excuse that they are protecting you from some danger, when the real danger is usually the tyrants themselves. This is why they are always creating hatred of this or that group of "dangerous" enemies: ultra-maga, right wing "extremists", evil capitalists, and …

Fakebook says Eye Witness Personal Testimony is 'misinformation'

Dear FUFBI fans: This woman suffered chronic health complications after receiving a Covid injection but her personal story is 'misinformation' according to Fakebook. Checkout this story with thanks to Slay News : Vaccine-Injured Woman Censored from Sharing Her Story with Friends on Facebook A big FU (Fancy Unicorn) to you Liar …

Food Choice Tyranny

Dear FUFBI fans: Liberty is a zero-sum game. Either the choice is yours to make freely, or some government tyrant chooses for you. Checkout this story with thanks to Gateway Pundit : TYRANNY: Government Officials Illegally Raid Pennsylvania Man’s Farm Without Notice for Hours and Seize His Property, Leaving Him …