Fancy Unicorn Fuzzy Bear Insurrection!

#thugs Articles

Quiet Lies

Dear FUFBI fans: There is a program called "Quiet Skies" that supposedly tracks dangerous people doing the dastardly act of flying on airplanes. It is a lovely tool for tyrants: they can harass people they do not like without the usual restraints of getting indictments and convincing juries. But when …

Me Too (Offer not valid for Tara Reade)

Dear FUFBI fans: Remember the whole "Me Too" movement? Apparently the "believe her" concept does not apply if the accused rapist is on the list of approved tyrants. In fact, in such cases, you can go beyond the apparently antiquated "innocent until proven guilty" concept. You can use the FBI …

FBI: A Bunch of Thugs

Dear FUFBI fans: What is the difference between a safe cracking burglar and an FBI agent? Not much. Checkout this story with thanks to Gateway Pundit : Appeals Court Finds FBI Did Violate 4th Amendment Rights of Los Angeles Residents by Seizing Hundreds of Safety Deposit Boxes without ‘Any Legal Basis …